YouTube Music App has rolled out another redesign
YouTube has redesigned its artist pages on Android and IOS. This update intends to modernize and streamline the user experience, which can offer a more compact and visually appealing layout in the YouTube Music app.
Adding to that, 9 to 5 Google has stated that the redesign will begin with the artist name now in the left-aligned with the subscriber’s count. It will have a complementary pill-shaped button to follow the artist. Users will experience these updates without updating the app. They will find new circular buttons for smaller touch gadgets, which makes browsing easy. Features including starting a radio station are displayed across the follow button.
YouTube has unveiled new ‘’Badges ‘’ features. They are next to follow the features of the LinkedIn ‘’ Top Voice Badge’’. Lately, Google Ads Shopping centers have also introduced ‘’Google Ads Shopping badges’’. This New badge feature of YouTube is available in the profile image and is found between ‘’Your Recap’’ and ‘’Paid Membership’’
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